
Monday 28 October 2013

Malta Dive Holiday : Day 4

Day 4

Today is to be my first day of diving with Divewise. So it was an early start as I had arranged with Viv that they would come pick me up at just after 8am. Breakfast was the usual cornflakes, coffee and sandwhich and I had this interesting character looking at me while I waited for Divewise!

Arriving at Divewise I met Viv and Alan for the first time as well as the team I would be doing a easy checkout dive on the house reef with this morning.

Dive #1

The dive was really just to check out that weighting was right and that gear had survived the trip. I had several issues with weight and broken line connections, but these were resolved post-dive. Check out this link to read the report of the dive.

Surface Interval

Throughout the dive I was fascinated, but had a few kit issues. Firstly, the crotch strap simply disintegrated and the cave line for the light head finally snapped after years of tugging. I'd only just got the Halcyon Cinch system on my backplate so I didn't know how to re-web the crotch strap so in the end I just took it off, which made things a little awkward in the water, but manageable. The light boltsnap was re-attached with a zip tie.

Dive #2

The team was now heading over to Valetta to dive on a wreck called HMS Maori. Check out this link to read the report of the dive.

Post Dive

On the way back to Divewise, Anne took us around the local area and pointed out the restaurants that we get discounts at. The primary one was Huggins as it was just up the road from the dive centre and also on the way back to my hotel.

Getting back at Divewise, it was time to rinse off gear and prepare for the next days dive. Once that was done, I thought I'd ask Svenke if he fancied a pint at the pub, I quite liked him and he was easy to get on with so why not share a pint. So off we trotted to Huggins and bought a pint, at least 12 pints later we are still there! We had a great bar maid full of fun and kept the drinks flowing for us!

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