I had booked my first of three excursions for the trip to take me over to the island of Gozo using a company called Malta Travelnet ( Their website was wonderfully simple to use, everything just worked automatically. Vouchers were emailed automatically and promptly – I was very impressed and would recommend using them again for any tourist-y type stuff again.The excursion takes you all over the small island of Gozo.

Early Morning Start
My first night in Malta turned out to be a bit of a late one, by the time I had wandered around the local area, snapped pictures of some yachts and had a snack, it was about 11pm and getting up at 630 was a bit of a challenge but whereas I normally struggle to wake up in the morning, the excitement of my first day of a holiday got me going. I was feeling pleasantly excited when I headed downstairs to get breakfast, decked out like a true tourist, in shorts, t-shirt and flip-flops and camera bag. Breakfast came with my “hotel” booking, but it literally consisted of cornflakes, juice, apples and toast.I got myself loaded up and pleasantly stuffed and then wandered over to await the coach at the Hilton. While I waited for the coach, I wandered around the Marina with the benefit of daylight and got some nice pictures, I hope you agree!
The coach took us to the ferry terminal, here we met with our guide. I was grouped with the rest of the English speakers and a small group of French with a very colourful and entertaining guide called Pat, whom I can’t recommend enough!
The ferries between Gozo and Malta run about every 30 minutes and the operation is very slick so you are never waiting very long at all. On board there is a well stocked cafeteria, but I prefer to be outside in the glorious sunshine and admire the views:
Landing on Gozo:
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